The Accountant's Toolbox

The Bookkeeper, Accountant, Tax Preparers Virtual Tradeshow & Toolbox


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Here are some great tools you may use in your Bookkeeping, Accounting and Tax Business to save money, save time, and increase productivity to work more efficiently and profitably

What's a Tech Stack?

Can you define it? Are you maximizing its efficiency within your business?

Call it what you may…there are many terms for it:

  • The Accounting Technology Ecosystem
  • FinTech
  • Tech Stack
  • Applications
  • or just your accounting toolkit for success

Your tech stack is defined as the applications you utilize to help you support and grow your business.

Knowing how workflow apps and streamlining technologies impact your business in terms of time and money is a level of analysis for which most business owners and operators just don’t have time.

As a busy small business owner, can you afford to research and find the best technologies available today? and tomorrow?

As real-time data becomes more crucial for businesses to strategize and thrive at every stage of the business life cycle, accountants who provide oversight into the impact of a business’s use of various applications become that much more crucial. Have you taken the time to take inventory of your tech stack?

As the pace of technology increases, the reliance on real-time data has become more crucial when it comes to making important decisions that will impact your business each day.

Have you defined your business's specific "tech stack needs" that will automate your daily and weekly processes? How can understanding these efficiency tools make or break your success?

The vast landscape of available financial and workflow technology continues to grow and evolve with new solutions made available every day. As a result, confusion arises, making us wonder what systems are available when it comes to the best and most profitable options. To help you better understand the different options available to support specific functions within your organization’s finance and accounting department, tax automation software, expense management, accounts payable automation and document management.

Universal Accounting presents The Accountants, Bookkeepers and Tax Preparers Toolbox and Virtual Trade Show.

We showcase the technology that can be leveraged to automate manual data entry work, freeing up time to enable accounting professionals to grow their advisory skills and clientele base.

How do you build a solid technology strategy to benefit your business and in turn, your clients?

Increasingly innovative technology has enabled us as accounting professionals to create more efficient processes in our daily business moments. It is time to educate yourself, adopt new technology and establish more efficient ways of doing business with your clients.

How can using workflow technology give you effective leverage in your specific, competitive market?

Ryan Watson, Principal at Unsourced Accounting and serving as Xero Ambassador, says. “If we can automate the kinds of things clients are used to seeing from their accountants, like basic bookkeeping and reporting, we can focus our time instead on delivering the kinds of things they’re not used to seeing – business strategy, financial modeling, and process improvement. Technology is our secret weapon, so nailing the tech stack for each client and workflow is critically important.”

“It’s not just about apps. We ALL experience app overload. It’s also about your processes.” In this industry, change is happening with applications automating our workload.

Are the newest apps really that important to an existing business?

The virtual trade show demonstrates just how rapidly change happens. “The sheer number of players in the accounting technology field has increased rapidly,” says Kacee Johnson, Founder of Blue Ocean Principles. “There are new solutions every year in addition to the familiar ones that accounting professionals have to evaluate and consider. As technology changes, so do the players. The number grows as fast as technology changes.”

When it comes to new technology, disruption is inevitable. What isn’t guaranteed is the fate of those who can’t adapt to change and embrace new ways of working. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are changing the way software helps accountants work smarter and faster. The next wave of accounting is just forming. By taking these steps, you can put yourself on the path to a strong future.

Are you taking time to work ON your business, not just IN it?

At Universal Accounting, helping accounting and tax professionals succeed in their business is our primary mission. Using efficient processes and apps is vital to this ever-moving goal. Universal Accounting’s Virtual Trade Show and Toolbox fills a constantly changing need.


We also help you to keep the health of your business in check as well. As you take the time to utilize your processes – on-boarding new team members, on-boarding clients, adopting technologies, and creating security protocols and processes for your firm and your clients, your Universal Accounting Toolbox is at your side, ready to help you automate and streamline your processes.


Take stock of what your company needs on a regular basis. Keep up to date with best practices and new possibilities. UA’s Virtual Trade Show is an excellent way to automate your tasks, freeing you up to laser focus on client needs.

With technology ever-changing, how can you MAXIMIZE its efficiency and set the course of your business on a more solid path to success with the newest tools?

Universal’s Virtual Trade Show and Toolbox puts efficiency apps and financial tools in your hands when you need them. Your success begins with this evolving collection of the newest and most profitable tools available today. Let Universal Accounting survey the moving landscape across today’s accounting technology companies from platforms to HR to app integrators, and keep your toolbox updated with the most current tools available to you!

If you are a vendor and would like your product, app, or service in this Online Trade Show click here.