From idea to implementation, marketing & sales, pricing, services offered, onboarding to client relations and retention.
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The turnkey process of turning a business around, from near bankruptcy to making profit deliberate and intentional.
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Based on the principles found in our book "in the Black - nine principles to make your business profitable"
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Get the clients you deserve by following the 6 steps to selling your services with confidence.
The 5 services you need to be offering your clients from my book, Your Profit & Growth Expert
In my book, Your Strategic Accountant
Taking control of your day and leveraging the finite resource of TIME in your life & prioritize the things that matter most.
Finding abundance around us, declaring to the universe, and taking thoughts to goals and beyond.
The 5 things needed to be a leader that develops Confidence and Competence
The steps to get the job you want and paid what you are worth
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The how-to-guide to personal and family finance.
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The 4 keys to a healthy, happy relationship with your spouse