Building The Premier Accounting Firm

Forget Aggression, Sell With Compassion w/ Chandler Walker

Picture of Roger Knecht

Roger Knecht

President of Universal Accounting Center

Episode Details


Overview: Forget Aggression, Sell With Compassion

Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center

Guest Name: Chandler Walker 

This week, Roger chats with psycho-sales expert Chandler Walker about abandoning the old-school sales tactics of aggression and selling with compassion in mind.

Chandler shares how he came up with his Compassion Conversation sales system, by applying cognitive behavior therapy and other Wellness ideologies to the sales process.

Roger and Chandler also talk about the misconceptions of sales i.e. you have to be aggressive to sell as well as other ideas from his Compassion Conversation sales system i.e. timing, tempo & tone during the sales conversation, building rapport, overcoming objections as well as what you should be paying attention to in a conversation to avoid challenging your client’s character.


About Our Guest: Chandler Walker

Chandler started his entrepreneurial journey after graduating from the University of Nevada Reno with a degree in Biochemistry and forgoing a medical pathway to pursue a brick-and-mortar wellness facility.

He then pivoted to an online health practice a year before the COVID lockdowns.

After scaling both businesses to the 7-figure level and doing 3000-4000 sales consultations, Chandler was frustrated with the way sales were taught.

He was tired of the old-school objection handling, aggressive tactics, and salesy attitude taught by most sales trainers.

So he looked back at what he was doing, combed through his notes, and created Compassion Conversations.

A therapeutic-driven, psychological-based sales system centered around compassion and care.

Chandler has taught over 3000 people his system of compassion Conversations and has the goal to change and redefine the landscape of sales altogether.

Chandler also invests regularly in the crypto markets and bought Ethereum when it was $15, obtaining a 20,000% increase and turning $250 into 50k



Universal Accounting Center

  • Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth.



Chandler offers a 9-step Framework to selling without Manipulation, Aggression Tactic or Feeling Salesy :

Get a FREE copy of this book all accounting professionals should use to work on their business and become profitable.  This is a must-have addition to every accountant’s library to provide to have the premier accounting business today:



For Additional FREE Resources for accounting professionals check out this collection HERE!


Be sure to join us for GrowCon, the LIVE event for accounting professionals to work ON their business. This is a conference you don’t want to miss.


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