Building The Premier Accounting Firm

Embracing Life’s Challenges w/ Lindsay Kline

Picture of Roger Knecht

Roger Knecht

President of Universal Accounting Center

Episode Details


We each have our story and Lindsay is no different.  Bookkeeping at age 12, death of a spouse, starting college late and opening her bookkeeping business while in school.  She has done so much and is willing to share.

Lindsay and Roger discuss the experiences we have in life and what we can do to make lemonade.  We all have choices to make and opportunities to embrace.  Listen as they cover what clients need to receive from us as bookkeeping experts to retain them.  Also pay attention to the two sales tips.

You don’t want to miss this great episode.

Also listen for the special offer related to tech stacks and the use of automation to nurture your leads to become clients.


Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center

Our Guest: Lindsay Kline

Lindsay Kline is the President of her bookkeeping practice, Sakline (suh-kline), Founder of the Bookkeepers Club networking group, and the host of the By the Books podcast.



Universal Accounting Center

  • Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth.



As mentioned, we’d like to also Invite to listen to Lindsay’s podcast, By the Books on:


Also, how are you leveraging your social media presence, developing your tech stack to automate your tasks related to marketing and sales to building your list of clients?  Great questions!


Don’t miss this informative webinar to help you understand and apply proven principles to get the clients you deserve and get paid what you are worth.  LISTEN NOW to this great presentation!


For Additional FREE Resources for accounting professionals check out this collection HERE!


Remember this, Accounting Success IS Universal.

Listen to our next episode and be sure to subscribe.


For more information on how you can apply these principles in your business please visit us at or call us at 801.265.3777


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