Building The Premier Accounting Firm

I’ve Struggled Like You So Let Me Share My Journey with Veronica Wasek

Picture of Roger Knecht

Roger Knecht

President of Universal Accounting Center

Episode Details


Overview: I’ve Struggled Like You So Let Me Share My Journey

As an accounting community, we each face similar challenges as professionals starting and building and our business. Listen to Veronica, a highly successful CPA,  as she shares her story and offers advice.  Listen as we discuss the back office realities of the accounting business and how the Virtual Bookkeeper’s Roadmap was designed to help fast track your success.


Your Host: Roger Knecht, president of Universal Accounting Center


Our Guest: Veronica Wasek, CPA and CEO/Founder of VM Wasek

About Our Guest: Veronica Wasek 

Veronica is also a Top 10 ProAdvisor – 2018, Member of Intuit’s Trainer Writer Network, Top Accounting Influencer, CPA, Certified Advanced QBO, and QBD ProAdvisor. Veronica is busy working with clients, running her business, and now giving back to the accounting community on a variety of platforms:




Universal Accounting Center

Helping accounting professionals confidently and competently offer quality accounting services to get paid what they are worth.


The Virtual Bookkeeper

The workflow of every accounting firm (from sole-preneur to multi-staffed firm) should use to establish proven standards of operating procedures. This is the turnkey practice management process to ensure efficiency and profitability.



As discussed in the podcast we have some special offers that you’ll want to take advantage of now.


  • First, consider becoming a certified Profit & Growth Expert to help your clients with the most common issue facing small business — cash flow management. Learn to market, sell, and offer this service with confidence and competence to get paid what you’re worth.
  • Secondly, run your business efficiently applying the proven workflows found in the Virtual Bookkeeper’s Roadmap and benefit from the technologies available today to help you and your clients stay on the cutting edge of what really works. Doing so you’ll have the timely information to make intelligent business decisions using the information you produce.
  • Thirdly, get your free copy of the book In the BLACK, nine principles to make your business profitableThis classic book has the timeless information you need to have the premier accounting business is your area.


Accounting Success IS Universal.

For more information on how you can apply these principles in your business please visit us at or call us at 801.265.3777

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