BizBench Reports benchmark a business against similar businesses in the same NAICS code in 51 key financial metrics using the extensive database that Universal Accounting has compiled over the last 10 years of of hundreds of thousands of businesses throughout North America. It organizes, charts, and graphs the data into a meaningful presentation of the analysis, complete with comprehensive recommendations for improvement. The report is generated in seconds after you have entered some basic data from the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Regardless, the bookkeeping software you are able to use the data to generate financial ratios by industry using the date from the income statement and balance sheet.
Benchmark your actual results and forecasts/budgets against industry standards and ratios to coach your clients.
Benchmark your clients’ actual results and forecasts against industry standards in 51 Key Performance Ratios.
Validate business plan pro-forma against actual industry data, and create Action Items to address the growth ratios.
Validate the business valuation against industry data using ratio analysis.
BizBench gives you the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to take the actions, for your own company or for a client, that can change a struggling business into an industry leader. Software: Just log in to your BizBench user account, and following our Wizard, enter some general company information, basic information from the income statement and balance sheet, and VOILA!